The Parish of the Epiphany

Family Newsletter
for the week of February 20, 2022
The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

Sun 20-Feb  :  No Church School (Zoom or In-Person) or Youth Groups for the Holiday Weekend

Sun 20-Feb  :  10:00-11:00am  :  Worship in Sanctuary or on YouTube (Children's Bulletin)

Sun 27-Feb  :   9:00-9:25am  :  Zoom Church School (Link)

Sun 27-Feb  :  10:00-10:40am  :  In-Person Church School (Upper Parish Hall)

Sun 27-Feb  :  11:15-12:00pm  :  High School Youth Group (Garret or Zoom)

Sun 27-Feb  :  12:00-1:30pm  :  Confirmation Class (Garret)

Sun 27-Feb  :  5:30-6:30pm  :  Middle School Youth Group (Garret or Zoom)

Tue 01-Mar  :  6:15-7:30pm  :  Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Parish Supper (Hadley Hall & Cloister)

Dear friends,

We've reached Winter Break! This is a parenting achievement, so I hope you will give yourself a pat on the back and choose to let go of any harder moments you bumped through in these colder, darker months. 

Believe it or not, Lent begins in less than two weeks. Please put Tuesday, March 1 on your calendars; we will be coming together for a festive Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras party. Our Midweek team is planning a delicious jambalaya dinner (and yes, pizza for the kiddos). Tables for dinner will be available in Hadley Hall and in the Cloister Garden.

While we aren't serving pancakes this year, we will be tossing them! Back again is our beloved Shrove Tuesday Pancake Toss, open to all ages. No previous pancake-tossing experience is necessary. All are welcome to participate or act as the cheering squad. Elizabeth B. and Heather K.L. have held the Pancake Toss title for two years now. Can they retain it? 

Finally, please note that Confirmation Class for our high schoolers starts next Sunday, February 27. Please contact Eva for more information.

Enjoy the school break!



    No Church School this Weekend: Happy Winter Break!

    Now is a great time to ask your child what we've been learning, and to go through their Stars zine with them. There's a lot packed into this workbook, and we just touch the surface. There are prompts and art tasks galore still ready to be worked on! Ask them about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ask them what really important thing God said to Jacob, and what that teaches us about God. Ask them to share what they've written or drawn so far. 

    Church School resumes on Sunday, February 27, when children can choose to join our Zoom class at 9am, or our in-person class at 10am. On February 27, we'll finish the final chapter of our Old Testament unit, Stars!

    New Lenten Faith-at-Home and Church School Bags: Pick-up and Delivery Options

    Lent brings us a new Church School unit! We'll be getting beautiful new Storymakers zines (see below), and every registered family will also get a new bag full of our related activities, prayer practices, and enrichment. 

    This time around we are asking families who are able to pick up their bags; and we will also offer our delivery option for those who can't swing by.

    Bag Pick-Up Dates

    • Sunday, February 27: 9-1pm
    • Tuesday, March 1: 9:00am-12:00pm; or 6:15-8:00pm (during the Shrove Tuesday dinner)
    • Wednesday, March 2: 7:30am-1:00pm; or before or after the 7pm Ash Wednesday service. 

    Deliveries will be made Thursday and Friday, March 3-4, and we'll jump into our new Lent unit on Sunday, March 6. Throughout Lent we will continue to offer a 9am Zoom class, a 10am in-person class, and support material for caregivers doing family-based formation. We'll be focusing on the parables of Jesus!

    Confirmation Class Beginning Soon

    Confirmation class is approaching! Our first meeting will be Sunday, February 27 from 12-1:30pm in the Garrett, with an option to join virtually. The class will conclude with a confirmation service on Saturday, May 21, at St. Anne's Church in Lowell. Please find the tentative schedule posted here and reach out to Eva Dalzell to register, or if you are interested in joining the team as a mentor!

    New Acolyte Training for Children and Youth: March 6 

    Do you have a child, in fourth grade or older, who would like to become an acolyte? 

    Acolytes are important members of the worship team, who participate during our 10am worship service on a rotating basis. You've probably seen them; young people in white robes, who have special roles throughout worship. Acolytes serve as torchbearers and crucifers (the person who carries the cross in the procession), and they assist the priests, deacons or vergers at the altar or during the reading of the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in worship in a unique way, support our priests, and serve with friends. It's also really fun!

    We will hold an Acolyte Training after worship on Sunday, March 6, lead by Mary Street and our verger team. We'll start at 11:15am and go for about an hour. After training, we'll ask families to fill in a scheduling Doodle Poll with your availability, where you can let us know how often and when your child would like to be an acolyte. 

    If your child is interested in becoming an acolyte and will attend on March 6, please let us know in this Sign-Up Genius

    Not sure? You are very welcome to come to training and check it out, without committing to serving in any services. Can't come on March 6 but would like to be trained as an acolyte? Please let Bryn ( know and we can work on finding a time that works for you.

    No Middle and High School Youth Groups on Feb 20.

    Our Youth Groups will resume on Sunday, February 27!

    Please contact Eva Dalzell with any questions, or for the Zoom link to join virtually. 

    High School (11:15am-12:10pm -- before Confirmation Class)

    Middle School (5:30pm-6:30pm)

    A Welcoming Episcopal Community

    70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890