The Parish of the Epiphany

Family Newsletter
for the week of March 13, 2022
The Second Sunday in Lent

Sun 13-Mar  :  9:00-9:25am  :  Zoom Church School (LINK)

Sun 13-Mar  :  10:00-10:40am  :  In-Person Church School (Upper Parish Hall)

Sun 13-Mar  :  11:15-12:00pm  :  High School Youth Group (Garret or Zoom)

Sun 13-Mar  :  12:00-1:30pm  :  Confirmation Class (Garret or Zoom)

Sun 13-Mar  :  5:30-6:30pm  :  Middle School Youth Group (Garret or Zoom)

Wed 16-Mar  :  6:15-7:30pm  :  Midweek @ Epiphany (Hadley Hall & Cloister)

Wed 23-Mar  :  6:30-7:30pm  :  Children's Choir (Upper Parish; grades 2-7)

Fri 25-Mar  :  6:00-8:00pm  :  Youth Star Gazing Outing (sign-up)

Sat 26-Mar  :  9:00-11:00am  :  Communion Enrichment Program

Dear Families,

Let's get acquainted with our new neighbors from Afghanistan!

We have new neighbors in Arlington, thanks to the Winchester Interfaith Resettlement Partnership (WIRP). The Parish of the Epiphany is one member of this coalition, which formed in January to help Afghans resettling in the US. The seven members of this family had to leave Afghanistan last August, and are just settling into their new apartment after many months in temporary housing.

The mother’s name is Zahida (ZAH-hee-dah), and the father is Ihsanullah (IH-sun-uh-LAH). They have five children!

Their daughter Sapna (SOP-na) is 4 years old. Sapna has four brothers. The oldest is Adil (A-deel), who is 8. He is in elementary school. Mansor (Mon-SOR) is 5. Toheed (Toe-HEED) is 3. The youngest brother, Kifayat (Kee-fah-YAHT), is just 2 years old.

All the children will be learning English, so books that show words associated with objects the kids may be seeing in their new surroundings would be especially welcome. Do you have any picture books your children would like to give to the family? If so please leave them in the church office or hand them to Bryn.

At the beginning of Church School, we'll have time to draw or write a greeting to welcome the family to our community. If you would like to do this at home, please let Bryn know.

Of course your family can also help by donating money to the fundraiser sponsored by the Winchester Interfaith Resettlement Partnership, or WIRP. These funds pay for everything the family may need, from food to new clothing to Charlie Cards so they can shop or get to appointments. You can give here: WIRP NST on Give Lively. Please contact our Rev. Bob Davidson if you are interested in getting more involved as a WIRP volunteer. His email address is 

Pam Chester, parishioner and member of WIRP

    Midweek is Back! Join us Wednesday, March 16 for Food, Fellowship, and Formation

    Please join us this Wednesday, March 16. We'll enjoy dinner from 6:15-7:00pm, with both indoor and outdoor seating available. From 7:00-7:30pm, adults and youth are invited to join Rev. Nick for a Bible Study in Upper Parish Hall, and children are invited to join Bryn and Jeremy for arts and music programming. 

    Our dinner this week will embrace St. Patrick's Day! 

    Corned Beef and Cabbage

    Roasted Carrots and Potatoes (vegetarian)

    Roast Vegetables (vegetarian)


    Pizza for the kids

    Guinness Cake

    During Lent, our Midweek children's time will focus on one of the three pillars of Lent--alms giving--as we think about ways we can help others. We will learn about food insecurity in the local area and what we can all do to make sure everyone receives the nourishment they need. AND we'll still be enjoying hands-on art and music! Please note: Children will be using fabric markers this week, so please wear play clothes. We'll have some smocks on hand, but please keep the permanent ink in mind!

    The Spring Midweek Schedule

    Wednesday, March 16

    Wednesday, March 30

    Thursday, April 14 (Maundy Thursday)

    Wednesday, April 27

    Wednesday, May 4

    Wednesday, May 18

    Wednesday, June 1

    We need help to make this wonderful evenings happen. Please consider signing up:

    Help with Children's Program

    Help with the Meal, Serving, or Cleanup

    Church School this Weekend: Zoom at 9am or In-Person at 10am!

    Zoom Families

    If you would like to join from home, please hop on Zoom at 9am this Sunday morning. Have your new Church School bag, your red Lent zine, and some crayons or colored pencils ready.  ZOOM LINK

    In-Person Families

    For those coming to the church, please join us at 10am in Upper Parish Hall, and please bring your red Lent zine (workbook) with you. You do not need your bag or anything else from your bag--just you and your book!

    Faith-at-Home Families

    Faith-at-Home families who like to work on these materials as a family on your own schedule, HERE is this week's outline. We're in our new Lent Zine, and we're on Chapter 2 which is called "The Seeds."

    Everybody should find their second envelope (marked March 13), and get ready to make some art and do some planting!

    Children’s Choir for Those Currently in Grades 2-7: Next Rehearsal on Wednesday, March 23

    We had a wonderful, fun first rehearsal earlier this week! We learned about music, experimented with the sound waves and the piano, laughed and sang together! Our next choir rehearsal will be on March 23, and all children in grades 2-7 are welcome!

    The choir will meet for rehearsals on non-Midweek Wednesdays, from 6:30-7:30pm in the Upper Hall. We learn the basics of good singing as well as how to read music.  This experience will be one-size-fits-most (!) and appropriate for both complete beginners, as well as children already possessing musical skill and backgrounds; those with previous experience will still be challenged, and will also have the opportunity to assist with teaching those just beginning to study music.

    Adult chaperones will be on hand, and parents/guardians are welcome (though not required) to hang around and observe the action!  Pre-registration isn’t necessary, but it would be helpful in terms of planning. If you know that your child(ren) will participate, or if you simply have questions or desire more information about the program, please do not hesitate to contact me.  My email address is listed below.

    Jeremy Bruns

    Interim Director of Music & Organist

    Diocesan Youth Retreat at Epiphany

    On Saturday, March 19, Parish of the Epiphany will be hosting a daylong retreat for middle and high school students, organized by the Diocesan Youth Council. The event’s theme, The Human in All of Us, invites participants to put aside their stress and anxieties and reconnect with their own humanity, their soul and center; and at the same time, recognize the humanity in others. The event will include workshops on wellness, small-group time to share experiences of other young people, speakers, and an invitation to participate in a service project to support unhoused people in our diocese. All middle and high school students are invited to attend. More information and a link to register can be found here.

    Youth Stargazing Event on March 25

    Let there be lights in the dome of the sky! On Friday, March 25 (rain date: Saturday, March 26), middle and high schoolers are invited for an evening of stargazing, science, and snacks. We’ll meet at 6:00 pm at the foot of Whipple Hill in Winchester and make a short hike up to set up our stargazing equipment before sunset, and plan to wrap up with a brief Night Prayer around 8:00. You can fill out this interest form to stay in the loop for this event, or reach out to Eva Dalzell with any questions.

    Confirmation Class Continues THIS Sunday

    Our second meeting will be Sunday, March 13 from 12-1:30pm in the Garrett, with an option to join virtually. The class will conclude with a confirmation service on Saturday, May 21, at St. Anne's Church in Lowell. Please find the tentative schedule posted here and reach out to Eva Dalzell to register, or if you are interested in joining the team as a mentor!

    Acolyte Training for Children and Youth: Sunday, March 20 at 4:30pm

    Do you have a child, in fourth grade or older, who would like to become an acolyte? 

    Acolytes are important members of the worship team, who participate during our 10am worship service on a rotating basis. You've probably seen them; young people in white robes, who have special roles throughout worship. Acolytes serve as torchbearers and crucifers (the person who carries the cross in the procession), and they assist the priests, deacons or vergers at the altar or during the reading of the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in worship in a unique way, support our priests, and serve with friends. It's also really fun!

    We will hold an Acolyte Training after worship on Sunday, March 20, lead by Mary Street and our verger team. We'll start at 4:15pm and go for about 45 minutes. After training, we'll ask families to fill in a scheduling Doodle Poll with your availability, where you can let us know how often and when your child would like to be an acolyte. 

    Please let Bryn ( know if you'll join us on March 20! 

    Middle and High School Youth Groups on March 13.

    Please contact Eva Dalzell with any questions, or for the Zoom link to join virtually. 

    High School (11:15am-12:00pm -- before Confirmation Class)

    Middle School (5:30pm-6:30pm)

    A Welcoming Episcopal Community

    70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890