The Parish of the Epiphany

Family Newsletter
for the week of March 27, 2022
The Fourth Sunday in Lent: Communion Enrichment & Baptism Sunday

Sat 26-Mar  :  9:00-11:00am  :  Communion Enrichment Retreat (Hadley Hall)

Sun 27-Mar  :  10:00-11:00am  :  Worship with Communion & Baptism (no Church School)

Sun 27-Mar  :  11:15-12:00pm  :  Fellowship Reception & Celebration (Cloister & Hadley)

Sun 27-Mar  :  11:15-12:00pm  :  High School Youth Group (Garret or Zoom)

Sun 27-Mar  :  12:00-1:30pm  :  Confirmation Class (Garret or Zoom)

Sun 20-Mar  :  5:30-6:30pm  :  Middle School Youth Group (Garret or Zoom)

Wed 30-Mar  :  6:15-7:30pm  :  Midweek Dinner and Formation (Cloister & Hadley)

Sun 03-Apr  :   9:00-9:25am  :  Zoom Church School (LINK)

Sun 03-Apr  :  10:00-10:40am  :  In-Person Church School (Upper Parish Hall)

Wed 06-Apr  :  6:30-7:30pm  :  Children's Choir (Upper Parish; grades 2-7)

There are no Church School classes this Sunday, as we all gather together at the 10am worship service for Communion Enrichment & Baptism Sunday. 

The March 25 youth star gazing event has been postponed due to cloud cover.

    Dear Families,

    This Sunday will be a festive, and undoubtedly boisterous, day at Epiphany. For many, it's the long-awaited Sunday when we celebrate our Communion Enrichment group of elementary students, baptize two little ones, and recognize our high schoolers currently in the confirmation program. 

    It's a Sunday that calls for a very large cake, and we will have one. It also calls for a great deal of thanksgiving. As we continue to make our way through the ups and downs of this world, I hope you will join with us in this Sunday's joy.

    Communion Enrichment families, please plan to arrive in the sanctuary at 9:35am.



      Easter Candy for St. Luke's Needed

      At our next Midweek gathering on March 30, the children will be helping to fill Easter eggs and Easter bags with candy for our friends at St. Luke's in Chelsea. We'll need lots of candy to make this happen!

      Will you donate a bag or two of individually wrapped Easter candy for this outreach project? Any kind of candy is welcome--we just ask that it be wrapped, so our children can sort it into eggs and bags with no worry about germs. (And maybe less candy accidently "falling" into mouths during our work!) 

      Please leave this candy (marked St. Luke's) in the church office or hand it right to Bryn. THANK YOU!


      At our next Midweek gathering on March 30, the children will be helping to fill Easter eggs

      Communion Enrichment Retreat this Weekend

      This Saturday children participating in our Communion Enrichment program will gather with a parent, Nick, and Bryn for a time of preparation and fun, from 9:00-11:00am in Hadley Hall. We ask that children participating in this program also arrive in the Sanctuary on Sunday at 9:35am, as we prepare for our  special 10am service of worship.

      Midweek is this Wednesday, March 30!

      Please joins us this coming Wednesday evening for dinner and formation for all ages. Dinner begins at 6:15pm, with seating in the Cloister Garden and in Hadley Hall. At 7pm, adults and youth are invited to a Bible study with Rev Nick in Upper Parish Hall, and children are invited to a time of art, music, and service with Bryn and Jeremy in Hadley Hall. 

      This week we'll be packing and decorating special Easter treat bags for our friends at St. Luke's/San Lucas in Chelsea.

      This week's menu includes:

      Baked Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Salad (vegetarian), Rolls (vegetarian), Pizza for the Kids, and of course Warm Cookies

      Church School At-Home Lesson this Weekend

      This week we reach Chapter 4 in our Lenten workbooks, and it's a good one--in fact perfect for an at-home, family reading!

      If you have your red Lent zine at home with you, please open to page 36. If your book is at church, you can find a copy of the chapter HERE to either look at on your computer or print out. 

      You can find a quick outline HERE, which can guide your family time as you study this chapter.

      This Lent, our Church Schoolers are studying the parables of Jesus. This week, we hear our fourth parable from Jesus, and it is one of the most famous stories that Jesus shares. In fact, it’s one of the most famous stories in the entire Bible. Usually it’s known as the Prodigal Son, or perhaps the Lost Son or even the Forgiving Father. In today’s lesson, we think about why Jesus told us this parable, how we might feel as the various characters, and what it teaches us about our loving, forgiving, welcoming God.

      Everybody should find their fourth envelope (marked March 27), and have some family game time with the Prodigal Son board game!

      Please remember, there is no zoom or in-person Church School this Sunday due to our special 10am service, but our parable is a wonderful lesson for parents or grandparents to study with their children!

      Summer Camp: Barbara C. Harris Camp

      Camp is back for summer 2022! Summer Camps at BCH are inclusive Christian formation ministries and open to families, and campers entering 4th-12th grades. If you are interested, please visit BCH's website

      Playspace Toy Donations Wanted for St. Stephen's

      St. Stephen's Youth Programs (SSYP), one of our Mission and Outreach organizations, is creating a play space for children (ages 5-10 years old) in their afterschool program. They are looking for the following, in new or gently used condition:

      • pans/ dishes/ food items for a play kitchen
      • veterinary clinic/ doctor's office items- tools, stuffed animals (clean and like new), doctor/ vet outfits
      • puppet theater/ puppets
      • dress up clothes/ costumes
      • dolls/ doll clothes/ doll accessories (racially diverse dolls preferred)
      • cars/ trucks- both large and small
      • wooden train set
      • building toys- blocks (wood, magnetic), marble runs, gears, no Legos please (we have lots)
      • bracelet making materials- beads, thread
      • craft kits for groups of kids

      If you would like to donate something new, click here for our Amazon wishlist. If you would like to donate something gently used, please contact me at 781-249-6554 or I am happy to pick up items in and near Winchester.

      Betsy Walsh

      Confirmation Class Continues THIS Sunday

      Our third meeting will be Sunday, March 27 from 12-1:30pm in the Garrett, with an option to join virtually. The class will conclude with a confirmation service on Saturday, May 21, at St. Anne's Church in Lowell. Please reach out to Eva Dalzell to register, or if you are interested in joining the team as a mentor!

      Middle and High School Youth Groups on March 27.

      Please contact Eva Dalzell with any questions, or for the Zoom link to join virtually. 

      High School (11:15am-12:00pm -- before Confirmation Class)

      Middle School (5:30pm-6:30pm)

      Climate Solutions and You: Youth Activists Present this Sunday, March 27 2:00 to 3:30 pm

      Making it Happen: with guest speakers Emily Hitchcock, climate-minded horticulturalist, and Sharlow Hitchcock, environmental educator. Both young activists will speak about their experiences with the Sunrise Movement and give listeners ideas about how they can get involved in support of the youth climate movement. This virtual and interactive session includes a Drawdown video, conversation with two local youth activists, and participant Q&As. FREE to all. For information and to register please visit this linkSponsored by the Winchester Unitarian Society and 350 Mass MetroNorth.

      A Welcoming Episcopal Community

      70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890